Applicants are required to satisfy the following three Assessment Criteria.

1.   Qualifications

Applicants are expected to have relevant tertiary qualifications or can demonstrate that they have a strong track record in event management.

Qualifications recognised include a Degree or Diploma in event management or other related qualifications or relevant event management studies. Copies of Certificates of tertiary studies are required to support your application.

MEA recognises applicants who do not have formal qualifications. You must demonstrate that you have been working full time in the role of event manager with full responsibility for the delivery of events, including financial management, for a minimum of five years.

A maximum of 20 points maybe accumulated under the Qualifications Assessment criteria.

2.    Professional Development

Applicants are required to provide evidence of their commitment in developing their skills and knowledge by providing details of their continuing professional development.

A minimum of 100 points is required in the Professional Development Assessment Criteria. MEA recognises a range of professional development programs and has allocated points as set out in the Accreditation Guidelines.

The content of the professional development is not limited to event management. Applicants can seek recognition for attending education and training relating to their development of their management skills and personal development. Examples of course content include Project Management Risk Management, Negotiation, Strategy, First Aid, Personal Brand, Public Speaking, Media Management, Social Media Management, Marketing, Managing People and Mindfulness.

Applicants will be required to list the professional development they have undertaken including the following:

  • Organisation conducting the training
  • Date of training
  • Duration of the course
  • Brief summary of the course content

3.    Professional Achievements

Applicants are required to provide the following: 

  • A resumé of professional achievements demonstrating career progress, track record of professional achievement and career development (increasing responsibilities). 
  • A list of the events delivered in the role of event manager (or equivalent title) in the three years preceding the application including the following details:
    •  Number of delegates
    • National or international
    • Destination and venue
    • Exhibition component – number of booths

 Additional Professional Achievements Information

Applicants are also asked to provide details of any contribution to the events industry in the three years preceding the application. Points will be recognised for any indsutry contribution. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Participation on event industry boards or committees 
  • Participation in the MEA Mentor program
  • Participation as a judge of the MEA National Awards or scholarship programs

Please note that the above is not a requirement, however being actively involved in the industry will add support to your application.   

The MEA Accreditation Admission Panel will consider other relevant course content on a case by case basis.

To assist with your application, download a copy of the checklist to ensure that you have provided all the necessary information.

To view the Application Checklist, click here.